Citizens for Change intends to represent the Village of Depew with a strong reliance on what we call the four "C's." These principles are what drive us to serve.

The exchange of opinions, news and information by writing, speech, body language, and facial expressions. Communication is one of the initial keys to effectively handling difficult situations and limiting complications later. We strive for open and clear communication with all stakeholders in Depew.

Trust is built with consistency. Using common positive standards and principles when dealing with Village Department Heads, employees, residents, and business owners. This includes ensuring that our interactions, policies, and decisions are fact based and fair. We will treat all stake holders with importance and respect.

Pride in the Village of Depew! The interaction of members of our Village and of our surrounding neighbors… working together to try and make everyone’s daily lives easier, more enjoyable and creating memories. Creating opportunities to bring people together, like the Summer Concert Series in Veteran’s Park. We will be proud to serve the Village and advocate for Depew at all levels.

People working together to achieve results or a common goal. To be an effective and efficient organization, we all must be “rowing” in the same direction. We will consider all opinions and views while working towards building consensus. We will put aside differences and move towards the common goal of improving Depew.